Thursday, January 5, 2012

Trying my hand at writing again

As anyone would guess, i am writing a post after ages, and even as i wrote some posts in the recent times, the frequency and content has been minimal.

I am trying really hard to be back in sync with my writing skills, i enjoyed it, but I dont know why i cant write again...i dont think i have lost the creativity, because creativity is more of nature than acquisition of a habit over the years. Still whenever i start typing on this mundane editor i just go blank - i dont know why!!

And then when i go back to the good ol' days when i was doing all the writing on this blog - i realize the situation that i was in then; and what appears unique was the fact that i was going through a period of huge emotional challenge, and it was my first independent encounter with the "big-bad-world" outside as a full grown adult. And all the badness of the world was teaching me so may lessons that my creativity had enough trigger to outflow.

I am in a unique situation again, it is a first of lots of things in my life. I am hoping that the same creativity will flow out once again just like before and that before the list of first starts getting overcome by the mundanity of day-to-day life I would have rejoiced the pleasure of writing, yet again!!