Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sex, Guys & IIT days

Was remembering IIT days once again....the 2years just flew by... but the memories they have left me with will probably last a life time...i guess thats the peculiar thing about good times...they seem to get over before you realise they were good...and once over, you are left behind with reminiscence...
The most standing out memories of IIT are the ones that have to do with gender dynamics. I think there is a lot of awareness amongst general public about the skewed sex ratio in IITs. IITK in my times was no exception. Infact guys in IIT would not only complain about the general paucity of 'womenfolk' but also their quality in general. Though a lot of girls in IIT are going to hate me for making this public in writing, but i cant resist sharing what Yash- my batchmate in MBA, once commented with reference to girls in IIT. He said "There are only two species in this world, where the male is more beautiful than the female. One is the peacocks & the other is IITians". Now this pithy reflects two things about gender dynamics in IIT, one being very obvious and the other being the arrogance & audacity an average IIT male develops. From whatever experiences I have with the opposite sex in general, I know that men categorize women on the basis of beauty as follows: One set of women being 'beautiful' & the other 'very beautiful'. So an IIT guy claiming that in their specie IIT boys in general are more beautiful than IIT girls is indeed an arrogant & audacious claim. Nevertheless, women in IIT just grow upto live with such remarks , no matter how audacious they are.
I happened to meet Neha ( another batchmate of mine from MBA) on the weekend that went by. While remembering our MBA days, I talked about this comment from Yash, and to most people's surprise, both of us rolled with laughter thereafter. I can tell my reasons for feeling so tickled, and I assume Neha's was no different. I still am chuckling while I write this, I dont know what makes the IIT guys feel so frustrated about not having beautiful women all around them. It not only has to do with IITians but the male specie in general. Their need to have beauty around them seems to be so pressing that Neha & I couldnt resist laughing at the very thought of them living in paucity of the same. I mean look at us girls who lived in IIT, with water water all around but not a drop to drink. If Neha & I were to begin complaining, we could well get frustrated about the guy who Neha looked blankly at when he tried to impress her by talking about exotic financial derivatives, or the guy who attempted a pass at me by expressing his desire of learning how to communicate effectively in English language( thank God i could read his ulterior motives because had I accepted him as a student I would have forgotten English myself).
All I mean to say is that while the dearth & low quality of girls in IIT is quite evident, the abudant availability of the other sex doesnt ensure a reasonable qualityof the same. However, considering that the 'more beautiful sex' of the IIT specie clamors, I cant resist sympathizing with them...
sorry got to live with this one!! ;)


Tiniponders said...

a discussion and laugh very well summarized :)
too bad for the guy whom u did not let be ur student! he wud have really benefitted. he he

lets have more of these!!

Shubham Nath said...

and dont forget u could have benefitted with some knowledge of exotic financial derivatives, if only u would have paid heed

anandable said...

When will IIT girls start giving benefit of doubt? that guy might really be a honest sober hindi medium guy who had poor english and wanted to know more abt opposite sex...what ulterior motive a guy can have (unless he wanted to copy your assignment:)...and i suppose all IIT girls are perfect face readers who understand everything just by looking at the face.

anyways a nice post..a little biased though ;)

Anonymous said...

This is not only the case wid IIT guys but also with the guys of IIMs....a friend of mine (frm IIM Luckhnow) happen to boast that girl to boy ratio is 25:100 and that’s a pity he didn’t have had a girlfriend again coz there wasn’t any beauty around....LOL LOL

Shubham Nath said...
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Shubham Nath said...

Pooja, that is always the excuse of IIT( & now also IIM guys as per your observation)who dont have a girlfriend. They use sex ratio as an excuse to justify why they dont have a gf. I guess that is what the policy "offence is the best defence" means